Undergraduate students need to be aware that graduate courses MAY NOT apply to financial aid eligibility. Undergraduate students should confer with a financial aid officer to determine the impact of taking graduate courses on their financial aid status.
Student's Program Details *
Eligible undergraduate students, matriculated at SUNY Brockport but not enrolled in either an accelerated pathway program or a combined degree, may take up to nine credits of graduate coursework at SUNY Brockport (but no more than six credits of graduate coursework in a single semester).
Eligible undergraduate students may take 500 or 600-level courses if they:
1. Have successfully completed 90 undergraduate credits
2. Have successfully completed at least 12 credits at Brockport in their current matriculated status
3. Have a cumulative Brockport undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00
4. Obtain the permission of (1) the course instructor
Undergraduate students may not enroll in 700-level courses.
Graduate credits earned at SUNY Brockport by matriculated undergraduates may be applied to their undergraduate degree requirements or those credits may be applied to their undergraduate major requirements by approval of the major department chairperson. If the student matriculates into a graduate program at Brockport within five years of taking graduate credits, those credits may be applied to the graduate degree program (per program requirements in effect at the time).
Earning graduate credits while an undergraduate is not a guarantee of future admission into any graduate degree program at SUNY Brockport.
You must be eligible when you submit this request. You might need to wait until in-progress credits are completed. Ineligible applications will be deleted and you will need to reapply.
This section is to be completed by the student.
PLEASE NOTE: The Office of Registration and Records will register you for the course and you will be notified by email, if you are eligible. Permission from the instructor does NOT guarantee enrollment.
Must be 9 digits. Currently Entered: 3 digits.
If you are enrolled as a graduate student, do not use this form. Request the instructor to complete a "Permission to Enroll" form.
Enter the course information for the course you are requesting permission to take. If you are uncertain of the information needed, please refer to the online course schedule.
Must be 4 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
The CRN is the Course Reference Number.
For example, Fall 2020
If you do not know the instructor's email, you can type their name into the College Directory to find it.
If this course is intended to count within your major or minor, please contact your advisor for a course substitution form.
Check the box to indicate your agreement: *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.